Monday, November 29, 2010

Giving Thanks

Well, I'm a little behind schedule because of the holiday and because our internet went a little haywire for a few days, but I am going to start today to stick to the plan of blogging each day about something that I'm thankful for.  Where is this coming from??  Not exactly from Thanksgiving, but from the following link.  It's a challenge to take 3 minutes for the next 21 days to think of something you are grateful for.  You know, we all have those days, where we just feel like life never gives us a break.  We try, and try, and work our butts off, but never seem to get any closer to our goals.  It's tough.  I know, I feel like that every day.  And it's never about just one thing, but many things.  Relationships, work, family, finances, body image, etc.  There are always people that you will be envious of, people who you look at and think they have it all.  But what we fail to remember when we are stuck in those funks, is that those people do not have perfect lives either.  And that no matter what life throws at us, there is always something to be thankful for.  So, to go along with my friend, I am going to try to blog everyday about something I am thankful for.  And I am actually stepping it up a few notches for myself.  I'm not only going to blog about the little things, but I'm also going to challenge myself to be thankful each day for something that my husband does, for my child, for my pets, and for myself.  I plan on starting Thanksgiving Journal for my husband, like the person in the link did for his wife to give to him as a xmas present.  I already keep a journal for my daughter, but I want to write something everyday in her journal to thank her for.  AND, I want to get back into journaling for I not only want to be thankful each day for my wonderful critters, but also for something for myself.  ARE YOU up to the challenge????  Try it, see what it does for you.  As for today, I am thankful for my family, my health, my job, and my life.  What are you thankful for??????

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